Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday, Monday...

Yesterday I was talking with my friends about the future and how a few of us have no idea what is actually in store for us. We kinda think we know what we are supposed to be doing with our lives but nothing is for sure or set in stone. I call it feeling like a leaf dangling in the wind. I hate it. I would like to know everything a stick to the plan but that is not the way it works. Epecially when you want to to things that most people would say are outside the box. I would like to spend my life doing music. Recording, producing, arranging, music director at a church, leading, even a little teaching...I wouldn't mind a side record deal either to help with some income. That is a lot easier said then it is to come by. But the bottom line is "who knows?". Well, God knows but He ain't telling me everything right now! Probably because if I knew I would find some way to screw it up or I wouldn't enjoy he journey and only focus on the goal. I have a hard enough time doing that anyway. O.C.D. much? Anyway, I will keep chugging along and keep trying to open doors where I can and see what becomes of everything. I am happy with the TFW demos and the overall reaction to them. I am going to start recording the F.O.G. ep right away and hope to have that released by next spring. Things are moving. Today we are going to go get our flu shots. Seem like common sense to me. Lots of stuff going on...must be a Monday because I feel like I am staring up at a very large hill I have to climb. That is o.k. long as I make it up! Until next time!

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