Friday, November 6, 2009


We want to buy a new house. We are looking outside the city. Somewhere we can breathe a little easier. Some place we can feel a little safer. Some place where hopefully you can leave something outside for more then 2 minutes and it won't be stolen. Some place our kids can play more freely without us feeling they have to be arms reach from us at all times. Some place we can walk our dog and not be looking over our shoulder every five seconds to see who is behind us and why are they there? Some place I can start building VB Music Studios the proper way and actually have room to work on and produce the projects I am working on. Some place with some aspect of solitude and sanctuary where we can create, flourish, find peace, get away from the hectic pace of the city and find the lifestyle we are craving. So we are looking. There a couple places we are interested but we will have to wait and see. I like being in the city but I don't love living in the city. I like working in the city but I wish I had my refuge to retreat back to when I am done. I need my inspirational space where I can create my art and feel secure there. It will come. It will be good. Our friends will want to come visit lots because it will end up be a great place to be. The coffee will be on, the deck set up to hang out, the conversation flowing and the laughter contageous. I can't wait!

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