Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Change is in the wind...

I can smell it...things feel like they are shifting. To what extent? I am not sure. But I know it is for the better. Some days I feel like I need to participate in a polar bear swim. Ya know, where the group of people go jump in the ocean in the middle of winter and give there system a shock...they say it makes them feel alive. I want to give my life a shock. Shake things up a bit. Start living life to the fullest. Seizing ever opportunity and running with it. Get out of my comfort zone and push the envelope and see stuff happen as a result of the work of my hands! I want to walk up to that cliff and take the plunge! And I think I have run out of metaphors. I feel I/we are on the edge of something big and going to start walking into it. How it will look, I have no idea. Now it will work, I have no idea. How it will all unfold I have no idea. All I know is if I perservere and am relentless it WILL happen. Time to walk in some faith. And now it is time for bed. Until next time....peace out y'all!!

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