Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Future is Unclear...

So this should be an interesting year to say the least. It seems like so much it up in the air. I can honestly say I have no idea what the future holds for me and my family. Things could stay relatively the same or could drastically change. I have no idea. Not worried about it at all either. Our life is in good hands. There are a few things I do know for this year however. I am going to shape up even more (physically, mentally, spiritually, etc...), I am going to Asheville to learn as much about recording/producing, etc...in one week as I can (which I believe will just be the start of more of that), I am going to record/write/produce as much as I can this year, and am looking at getting another job which has presented itself to me this week or so which would really help with saving up some money and getting us better positioned. I still think this will be an amazing year of transition but I just have no idea what that will look like. I just know it will be good. There are big things on the horizon and I just have to walk them out. I have vision for my life and I am learning how to let it happen. I am stoked! My goal for the next few years is to have an awesome fun life that is an adventure and a journey...I WILL NOT settle for mediocre and just o.k. I want excellent and adventurous! So this is really "New Year's Resolution" stuff...it is life goals and direction stuff...LET'S SEE IT HAPPEN!!

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