Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Ho Ho Ho To You!

So it is almost Christmas...for some reason this year, I ain't feeling it. I have no idea why. To me it feels like Christmas is still weeks away. Wish I could figure that one out. Maybe it is the busyness, or the tons of other things going on. I feel like there are tons of distractions in my life right now that can keep me unfocused on almost everything. My brain may also be numb from the stretch of cold we had that was so bitter. Hopefully next week I will be feeling very "Christmas-y". I have to say I am really looking forward to the New Year. I think it is going to be an amazing year ahead for me and my family. I do believe it will be a year of opportunity. I am not one for New Year's Resolutions. I try and make "Life Resolutions" throughout the year and actually change myself for the better if I can. I am always wanting to change and become a better person. My wife and I are constantly pushing each other to do this. That is awesome. Lately as in my last post, I have been really feeling the need to be less self-centered and not so self absorbed. I am going to keep challenging myself on this. In every situation I keep telling myself "It isn't about me, it is about those around me. How can I affect those around my in a positive light?" My goal is to be selfless. Here's hoping! I also want to kill these last 40-50 lbs. and get as fit as I can. That would be awesome. Gym/pool membership time and a lot of self discipline. That will be awesome. Other then that I am pretty good! I am planning on taking a trip down to North Carolina to see a friend and learn a bunch of recording techniques/info/know-how a month or so....I cannot wait. I think this could unlock my future some what! Anyway, life is good and Merry Ho Ho!! Hope everyone has a great holiday and gets to spend some quality time with friends and family. I am looking forward to hanging with my kids on their break from school. God Bless you all and thank-you God that You are the reason we can celebrate together. Peace out!!
- Vaughno Claus

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