Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Let This Decade Begin!!

So we have started the 2010-2020 decade. Man is it going to be huge! The rate technology is rapidly advancing and things are changing, I cannot imagine what 2020 will look like! There are already 3D televisions, you can do almost anything on phones now (I so want an iPhone!!), you can find pretty much anything on the internet...as long as technology doesn't turn us into robots and we forget what it means to be in relationships. I have vision for this decade and my and my family's lives. Here is what I am believing for and want to see happen this decade:

1. record/produce 3-5 major albums
2. spend some time in Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark)
3. take the worship band on some cool trips
4. write some worship songs that impact churches
5. see people's lives radically transformed
6. live in another country for a bit
7. help people position themselves for a better life
8. have my own studio that kicks butt
9. see my kids develop into the amazing people they are
10. get an iPhone :)

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