Friday, January 29, 2010

Chillin' in Asheville...

So here I am in the garage studio on my Mac watching Steve lay some tracks. Pretty cool. I am having a great time down here and learning as much as I can. I love writing, recording and creating music. Nothing beats that in my mind. A song well done is so amazing and satisfying. I know this is just the beginning for me. I love hanging out with people that are already doing this. It is so inspirational. Especially with these characters! :) The music they are creating is awesome! I am definitely inspired and at the same time pleasantly suprised that I was heading down the same path sonically and stylistically. That is weird and very cool at the same time! I am hopefully going to send some stuff their way to co-write with me and my team. No egos here just the desire to make some amazing music. I love it!!

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