Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Season

So it seems I am upon a new season in my life. A new job (so I have 2...3 if you count the Music Director at church), a new momentum, a new perspective. It also seems like it is a season of "No B.S." with others. I don't have time for it. I am spread pretty thin for right now which is fine but "it is what it is". I don't have time for attitudes, expectations, egos, entitlement, whatever! This isn't sitting too good with some people but that is o.k. I have to put my wife and kids and our life first. I have found you can't please everyone so don't even bother trying. Be who you are and if people don't like it they don't have to be your friend. Those who want to will be and accept you for who you are. My only reponsibility is to please God. I feel I am. He is my first priority and my wife and kids are next. Then I have to contend with my professional responsibilities and then my friends get what is left. I am o.k. with this. I have no idea how long this season will last and what the next will bring. I just know there is a lot to do in the season and it is an exciting time in our lives. I believe it is the beginning of some really cool things we are going to be able to do over the next few years. I will keep ya posted for those who care. If you don't, that is o.k. too as I am not offended :). We all just keep pressing on! Until next time...

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