Monday, October 19, 2009

Hit Remove Button Now!

So I don't have a lot of patience for religious condescending jerks. I have grown up in the church, I have read the Bible, I have sat in many life changing sermons and services, I have had countless experiences with God...but I try to be as real, honest and unreligious as possible. This might sound weird to someone who says "but you go to church or have a faith belief system so you are religious". Ya kinda... I am talking about the rules and regulations that man has developed to dictate how Christians should act. Don't do this, say this, act like this, have your hair like this, tattoo that, pierce that, listen to that, watch that, etc... Sure there is some wisdom in some of those things but I can truly say with my whole heart that I KNOW that God doesn't give to craps about a lot of that stuff especially when it comes to appearance, style, genre of music, art, etc... Man has made things moral/immoral according to their preference and what they like or dislike...that is wrong. I can't stand it. I also can't stand this attitude that makes people act self righteous, condescending, judgemental and end up being hypocritical. I posted a status on my facebook telling how I hit a Starbucks drive thru to grab a coffee on the way to work and ended up sitting at the window for almost 10 minutes and was happy that the girl just apologized but instead also got a $10 gift card as she felt so bad...I was like COOL! One guy responded by telling me "do you know that 2/3 of the world will only have 1 meal a day". Why would you do that? He doesn't know me personally except we went to bible college together for one year. I never hung out with him. He has know idea about anything about me. Yet he feels he needs to do the Holy Spirit's job and convict me? Guess what dude, you don't have the authority in my life to speak into it! I have amazing pastor's and friends that have that place and know me day in and day out and walk along with me doing life. THEY can speak into my life. The other thing that cracks me up about it is unless you have taken a vow to live among the unfortunate and serve them like Mother Theresa or sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, or give all your wealth to the needy and live a very humble lifestyle (which I would bet my left arm he isn't), don't preach and be self righteous with me. Don't try and do the Holy Spirit's job for him...that is not your place. As The Rock would say "Know your role!" These are the kind of people that a lot of people don't want to go to church. So they probably won't get to have an encounter with God and know Him personally. Our role is to love people and each other not judge, ridicule and act like the Pharisees of the Bible. This is why I love my friends, love my church, love my pastor's, love the C3 Church movement we are a part of and love God. He is just but He is patience and loving. So needless to say I hit the old "Remove From Friends" button from my Facebook. I want people to challenge me by what they are doing not by what they are saying. Everyone is welcome to come to my church (C3 Church Edmonton) and we can do life together...cause that is awesome! Anyway, now I'm done! L8R!

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