Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ahhh...turkey and making Ep's

Hey there. So Thanksgiving has come and gone. I am almost starting to freak out that the statement I just made is true. It is already the middle of October. That is scary. Soon it will be Christmas...also scary. The saying "So much to do, so little time" seems to keep rolling around in my head. Yes, I am thankful for so much including having a bunch of turkey leftovers, but I am feeling the pinch to buckle down and get a few things done that need to get done. This will be easier when I am out of my cast in a couple weeks but none the less still need to begin, plan and execute STARTING NOW! So here is what is on the agenda for the next bit. #1. Must organize and begin preparation for the church Christmas season including songs, arrangements, coordinating with the Kids Zone leaders to make sure everything is done and ready to go come Christmas time! #2. Start tracking the F.O.G. (Fire of God) debut Ep and do all the post production (mixing, mastering, etc...) so it can be released in the early next year hopefully! #3. Continue writing and recording demos for the Torment From Within project so it can begin tracking early next summer and have a late summer/early fall release fully mixed, mastered and all that jazz.
That might not sound like that much but it really is a ton of work which I am more then happy to roll up my sleeves and "Git 'er done!" as Larry the Cable Guy would say. Just means between that, work, family time, church life and all the other things that I invest my time in, I have a very busy many months ahead of me. Scares me and excites me all at the same time. But hey! I want to have a life worth living and this is all part of what I believe is my purpose and journey I am on. It is all good! Until the next time...keep your stick on the ice.

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