Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Don't Call Me Peg-leg!

Yes, 6 weeks in a cast from my upper thigh to my has been utter bliss (I am sure you hear the sarcasm dripping off that rediculous statement). I am over half way through my misery however and all I can say is "Thank-you God!!" And considering the super annoyance of the situation I think I have done pretty well overall dealing with it. I have gone to Banff to a marriage retreat which required me to do a bit of walking to get lunch and dinner. I have had to drive myself in my "Crapmobile" (little 95 Firefly) to work everyday which is quite a site. I will break it down for you as it is pretty entertaining I am sure. I have to enter through the passenger side door, slide backwards across the seats raise myself up to get my left leg around the gearshift into the drivers area. Then position myself, grab my cane and hook the passenger door, pull it almost closed which quickly pulling in the cane and grabbing the door and closing it tight. My leg tends to be right up against the door (tight fit!) and then I proceed to start the car, and drive left footed. The funny thing is I am really good at driving with my left. Almost as good as with my right. I guess that is why they said "Necessity is the mother of invention". You do what you have to do. So in 2-1/2 weeks I will be hobbling around still with my cane being very careful as I am out of my cast. It will be so nice to gingerly bend my knee. To be able to comfortably roll over on my side while sleeping. To sing on a couch or chair without feeling like I am strectching before a gold medal gymnastics competition. I am hoping the the snow won't REALLY fly before I am out of this cast and I can wear pants and good shoes normally again. Trust me, shorts and sandals in -3c weather is not pleasant! Anyway, I have tough old Swede blood in me and I continue to survive and persevere through it all. I can't wait to see where my knee is a year from now after a long rehab process. I hope I am running, dunking a basketball and jumping around on the stage rocking out...wait...I don't hope...I BELIEVE I will be!! I know God will do that. He is awesome and faithful. Anyway, peace out homies or homie if that is all that reads this. Talk to you again soon.

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