Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Metal Life...

So there are a few things I seem to forget about. People don't like what they don't understand for the most part. I am finding that with TFW. I am suprised by some people's reaction but when I think about it harder, I am not really that suprised. Not a lot of people like extreme metal. That is cool...I don't expect them too. It is a small group of people that are into that kind of music. It IS extreme. I love it. I know people that love it. I know a lot of people that cannot stomach it....actually that is most people. But just because you don't like it, doesn't mean you can't support it. Just because you don't really understand it, doesn't mean you have to dismiss those involved in it. That is one of those glaring flaws in human nature that really bugs me. You are different so I want nothing to do with you...I may redicule you, ostracise you, persecute you, label you, discriminate against you, call you names, lie about you, slander you, stereotype you, etc... You see it with race, sex, religion, sexuality, style, lifestyle, fashion...but really we are all just people...flawed, imperfect, hopefully good. So why the fear of what you don't understand or don't like? My name is Vaughn...I love extreme metal...I am a metalhead...do you still like me? Will support me and my band even though you don't like it? Or does that even matter? Vaughnarchy out!!

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