Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A bit about me...

So I was thinking, how many people REALLY know that much about me...even my friends? Probably not that many. So here are some tidbits of information that you may find interesting or find really trivial and boring....
1. I really love metal music. Crazy extreme heavy as all get out...the screaming, fast, double-kicking "broo-tall" metal that makes most people cry. I love it! I have totally been into metalcore and some black metal too. I find when it comes to metal I only really listen to "Christian" or very positive bands as the lyrical content can leave much to be desired. I love As I Lay Dying" and "Extol" especially. I also love other music so I don't have the "metal-head" label I think...
2. I love tattoos. If I could I would have tons. Probably have my whole arms sleeved (must be the metalhead thing) and others...they do cost a lot so they are very low on my list of things to get. Maybe some day...
3. I am a Sci-Fi nerd...love the Stargate series, Star Wars, Star Trek, and most Sci-Fi
4. I LOVE UFC and watch almost every PPV and catch as much on t.v. as I can...love it..it is like watching chess and combat at the same time. I love the technical aspect of it. Most people can't see that part of it.
5. I really dig guns...I love shooting at the range. My grandfather had an incredible collection and I would like to start my own some day.
6. I hope to be a music producer some day. I am working presently on a couple different projects.
7. I love cheesy t.v. shows...especially older Canadian shows like The Beachcombers, Degrassi Junior High, North of 60, Danger Bay, Neon Rider as well as others like MacGyver, Dragnet, M*A*S*H, etc...
8. When I was very young I thought it would be cool to be a figure skater...that is not cool!
9. Some day I want to live in another country for a bit to see what that would be like....my first preference is the U.K.
10. I like to think I am not very complicated. I like to wear my heart on my sleeve. I like to be frank but am learning to use discretion when it is wise.
There are 10 things about me you may not know. Hope that was interesting for ya. If not you can have your money back. Peace OUT!!

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