Friday, September 25, 2009

Torment From Within

So I have a new metal band called Torment From Within. Good metal name. Some people would probably think it was a negative name. I don't. I deal with a lot of torment from within...struggles, selfishness, lust, bad attitudes, jealousy, and I could go on and on. I have friends and family that deal with depression and anxiety. I believe you can have to deal oppression at times. But I also know that you don't have to stay tormented. There is victory over it if you believe it and walk it out. I think of the apostle Paul when he said (and I paraphrase) that he knows what he should do and that is what he wants to do but he found himself doing the things he didn't want to do instead. Sounds like my life! I even put that in the first song we wrote. I am getting a lot of satisfaction and enjoyment from writing and recording this brutal heavy music. It is like therapy for me. Metal rules! I never would have thought I would be laying down some serious black metal style vocals and it would sound pretty good. So anyone who likes the heavy check us rules!

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