Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Planning and Patience

So those two words basically sum up where I am at. Planning for the future but being patient while we get there. I really feel there is so much in front of us as far as what we will step into in our lives but timing is everything. I am busting my butt here for the next however many months to financially position ourselves to step into what we are wanting to do. This will be good but like everyone else, we want it sooner then later. So we must be patient. It will come soon enough. But we are definitely dreaming in the meantime as well. I have a feeling this year will end up flying by due to business and such. 3 jobs (technically), recording our Ep, finding time for my wife and kids, walking the dog...it will be crazy! But after this year, it will be amazing where we are and what we can do. I am truly believing we will be blown away at the opportunities that come our way. It is exciting! I have an intense desire to travel and share what is going on in our lives with others who are interested. I think our Ep will open doors for us as well. I believe things at C3 Church Edmonton are going to take off this year as well which will also open doors. I better buckle up as the ride is just beginning...yahoo!! Anyway, until next time, as Red Green says, keep your stick on the ice!

1 comment:

  1. I too feel like this year is going to be HUGE at C3 Edmonton. There is a fine balance between urgency and patience, isn't there? When I read I believe things at C3 Church Edmonton are going to take off this year, I had 2 thoughts at the same time. The first was "YEAH!!!" with a big fist-pump. The second, at the same time was, "But, it's already March, what are we waiting for?!"

    It seems for many this is a season of patience and urgency.
