Saturday, December 24, 2011
Here Comes Santa Claus...AHHHHHH!!!
My siblings used to torment me with that song (among others), as it used to scare the dickens out of me. Sounds funny right? I think it was a common sense thing. I never knew this "Santa" character...we are not supposed to talk to strangers or take "gifts" from them, so why is it ok when this joker comes knocking? I also had a phobia of beards. Yup, I did! I know that sounds strange but beards freaked me out as a kid. I have no idea why but it's true. But think about aren't sure about this stranger coming with gifts to maybe lure you into his sleigh and people are singing about him invading your town and breaking into your house. Freaked me out dude! There must have been something about the tune that I found creepy too. That I am not sure about but it is just a guess. You can take it into account that I was probably only two years old and was extremely quirky but at least I grew out of it and had a little better understanding of Santa having the same handwriting as my mom. Hmmmm....then there was the song "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus". That song really bothered me when I was older. I didn't get it was supposed to be some role playing game with mom and dad but thought mom was cheating on dad with an old bearded loser that was still doing B&Es. Of course by then I knew Santa was "Santa" but the principle of the song still frustrated me to no end. But as soon as I got the revelation that it was really dad then it was ok. Talk about therapy for the kid in that song though. Geez. I have nothing against the notion of Santa and having fun at Christmas but my focus solely lays on the true meaning of the season and why we celebrate it. Santa just tends to complicate things. Especially in a materialistic and greedy society. We should all be a little more Santa daily but more than that we should all be a little more Jesus every day to the people around us and those that have needs that we can meet. Then every one will be really happy to see that Santa is coming to town even though it is really Jesus dressed up like him wanting to spread love and joy to everyone around Him. Merry Christmas everyone!! See you at the gym next week to work off the treats and goodies we are already partaking in. :) Love you all and "God Bless Us, Everyone!!"
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
How Sesame Street and Snuffleupagus Messed with My Head...
Yes it's true. I had a really hard time with this and it disturbed me for years as a child. Here's a little back story....
I grew up without cable as it wasn't a high priority on our families expenses list (which I totally understand!). That was a good thing as I spent much more time playing outside and enjoying my childhood versus spending countless hours rotting by brain in front of the 13" Hudson's Bay crappy little t.v. we had. Needless to say though, I really enjoyed the couple of hours in the morning I got to watch Mr. Dressup, Friendly Giant and then Sesame Street. As we only had a couple of Canadian channels, I received the Canadian version of Sesame Street. I watched many episodes of Big Bird's hijinks with his possible imaginary friend Snuffleupagus who never seemed to cross paths with any of the other characters in the show. Gordon would drop by Big Bird's nest and Snuffy had just left! Maria would show up and low and behold, juuuuust missed Snuffy. So they didn't believe he was real. Ok so at my young age, I had come to grips with this scenario and all was fine in the world of Sesame Street. And then everything changed....
My grandparents had cable. This was an extreme luxury and treat when we would visit them. So many more channels and different shows to watch. So I am flipping channels and look what's on!! Sesame Street! Woo hoo! Jackpot!! Little did I know that this was the American version. Looked the same. Had the same characters on the show. Oh there is Big Bird and Snuffleupagus. Wait a comes Bob. HE'S TALKING TO SNUFFY!!! WHAT THE HECK!!! THIS IS WRONG!!! NO ONE KNOWS SNUFFY IS REAL!!! HOW CAN THIS BE!!! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY!!! I immediately curled up in the fetal position and watched the rest of the show, rocking back and forth trying to come to grips with this discovery. 2 Sesame Streets. One they know him, one they don't. I seriously had a really hard time computing his and rationalizing in my toddler brain. It wasn't until many years later that I realized there were the 2 different versions. I still prefer the Canadian version with the suspense and intrigue of trying to figure out if he is real or imaginary. But at the time it was quite traumatizing when you think of what is a big deal at that age. What's next? Ernie and Bert don't even live together? Oscar lives in a dumpster instead of a garbage can? No Sesame Street news with Kermit the Frog? He was replaces by Grover after he got his Super Grover rights taken away!! Geez. And for the record, I love the Aliens that "Yip yip yip yip yip yip, uh huh, uh huh!!" thing. They were cool!! "Brrrrrrrrring!!!" (phone skit the best). But all this to say, Muppets kick the crap out of Sesame Street anyway and was always my favorite. Can't wait to see the new movie!! Manah Manah!! Doo doo da doo doo....
I grew up without cable as it wasn't a high priority on our families expenses list (which I totally understand!). That was a good thing as I spent much more time playing outside and enjoying my childhood versus spending countless hours rotting by brain in front of the 13" Hudson's Bay crappy little t.v. we had. Needless to say though, I really enjoyed the couple of hours in the morning I got to watch Mr. Dressup, Friendly Giant and then Sesame Street. As we only had a couple of Canadian channels, I received the Canadian version of Sesame Street. I watched many episodes of Big Bird's hijinks with his possible imaginary friend Snuffleupagus who never seemed to cross paths with any of the other characters in the show. Gordon would drop by Big Bird's nest and Snuffy had just left! Maria would show up and low and behold, juuuuust missed Snuffy. So they didn't believe he was real. Ok so at my young age, I had come to grips with this scenario and all was fine in the world of Sesame Street. And then everything changed....
My grandparents had cable. This was an extreme luxury and treat when we would visit them. So many more channels and different shows to watch. So I am flipping channels and look what's on!! Sesame Street! Woo hoo! Jackpot!! Little did I know that this was the American version. Looked the same. Had the same characters on the show. Oh there is Big Bird and Snuffleupagus. Wait a comes Bob. HE'S TALKING TO SNUFFY!!! WHAT THE HECK!!! THIS IS WRONG!!! NO ONE KNOWS SNUFFY IS REAL!!! HOW CAN THIS BE!!! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY!!! I immediately curled up in the fetal position and watched the rest of the show, rocking back and forth trying to come to grips with this discovery. 2 Sesame Streets. One they know him, one they don't. I seriously had a really hard time computing his and rationalizing in my toddler brain. It wasn't until many years later that I realized there were the 2 different versions. I still prefer the Canadian version with the suspense and intrigue of trying to figure out if he is real or imaginary. But at the time it was quite traumatizing when you think of what is a big deal at that age. What's next? Ernie and Bert don't even live together? Oscar lives in a dumpster instead of a garbage can? No Sesame Street news with Kermit the Frog? He was replaces by Grover after he got his Super Grover rights taken away!! Geez. And for the record, I love the Aliens that "Yip yip yip yip yip yip, uh huh, uh huh!!" thing. They were cool!! "Brrrrrrrrring!!!" (phone skit the best). But all this to say, Muppets kick the crap out of Sesame Street anyway and was always my favorite. Can't wait to see the new movie!! Manah Manah!! Doo doo da doo doo....
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Go West Young Man...
So it is official. We will be heading west....Vaughno's going back home!! Such mixed emotions on this rollercoaster!! I am extremely excited to be going back to the Comox Valley and being where we feel we are supposed to be. I am also very torn about leaving such amazing friends that have shared my life with me for the past several years. The good thing is that they will always be near and dear friends that will continue to be in my life. I am very pumped about the next leg of the journey and partnering with some amazing people that we will have a blast with changing a community upside down (I believe!).
Changes!! They keep coming whether we are ready or not hey! The questions is can you adapt and roll with them? It's going to be great reconnecting with old friends and hanging with new friends. I believe God is going to do some amazing things through us in the Valley and people are going to be transformed and set free. There is going to be a youth and young adult movement that stems from obedience and vision that is going to see a community impacted and talked about because of a move of God there. Come on!! Bring it!! God is going to do a new thing in the Comox Valley and I am so honoured to be a part of it. Here am I...send me!! See you soon Comox Valley Community Church!! Hang on, it's gonna be a wild ride!! :)

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