Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Have a Dream...

Yes it is definitely true!! But what I find is that TIMING is EVERYTHING!!! You may think you ready for it and you are not. You may think it should happen exactly how you want it to, but it won't. But when it is time...when everything falls into place...when you are on the brink of seeing things come to is amazing. I am not there yet. It isn't quite time. But it is on the way. I can feel it!! It is close!! And the way time seems to fly by it will be here before I know it!! That is crazy and almost scary! But still I cannot wait. I am all about the adventure and the journey. I am so not into safe and secure which to me seems boring. I need adventure and a little chaos. As long as it is part of the journey. This year is going to be amazing. A lot of preparation and planning. A lot of soul searching and "taking inventory". A lot of exercising and training. A lot of "getting the hands dirty". It will be good. When you have a purpose and destiny, life is good!! It has meaning. You feel like you can take on the world. "Hey world! Here comes Vaughn!!" Having amazing people around makes it way easier too. Nothing beats the relationships and people in the trenches working with you together and sharing lives together. That also makes it all so worth it. I am truly blessed and thankful. That's know who you are!! I love you all! This is going to be an awesome year....

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