Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This has got to be one of the rarest things people have in their lives....Peace. Especially with guys with brains like mine who can get so wrapped up in where you want to go and what you want to do that you forget to enjoy where you are at. If you can't enjoy where you are right now in the present, you will never be satisfied. The old cliche about taking time to stop and smell the roses is actually pretty good. Sure sometimes there may be a bee in one, or a dog took a leak on one, or whatever...but sometimes you need to stop and take in the view, even if it is the prettiest or most spectacular. One day you will be on your mountain top and it is nice to be able to truly appreciate that view because you can remember the view from the valley. Life is a lot about perspective. I put in my Facebook status that I feel a peace that I have felt for a while again....that I can enjoy where I am at and even be excited about where I am at and where I am going without falling into OCD about where I am going and missing the present. That is no way to live. Like in Bruce Almighty..."It's goooood!" So thank God for perspective change and awesome people around me to keep me in check and grounded. I am blessed! Until next time!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sometimes life is hard...

Wouldn't it be nice if we all had crystal balls where we could look in and see what is going to happen in our lives. Sure it would! But we don't. We only have faith and trust which is really hard. Sometimes you just feel like you are in a pickle and you don't know up from down or left from right. Lately I feel like that a lot. Kind of like Jean Claude Van Damme in "Bloodsport" where he gets blinded and is trying to use his other senses to figure out where his opponent is. Except my life ain't no movie! I am dying for some confirmation on what I am supposed to be doing over the next few years. My hearts desires are pretty clear and obvious but I have learned timing is everything. I feel a little in the desert right now and don't want to make the process any longer then I have to to get out. Yes, sometimes I feel like the carrot is dangling in front of my face and I cannot reach it....that is frustrating. I just want to know that I CAN at some point reach it. So many questions, so little answers. Enough to drive a guy crazy. I have an inner dialogue going on in me that is arguing about "Destiny and Placement" vs. "Make a Decision and Act on It". So which is it? Do I just need to figure out what I want to do and where that can happen truly or do I sit back and wait for the doors to be opened for me. This is really hard. For now I pray and wait for an answer on that. I have placed a proverbial fleece before God like Gideon did asking for some confirmation and/or sign of what I need to do. If He did it for Gid he can do it for me. Hope my close friends and people that speak into my life have some words of wisdom too. I need to feel like walking into my future and not waiting around squandering it, doing things I feel like I am not really supposed to be doing. But I could be way off base too...what the heck do I know!! Anyway, that is my venting and ranting session for now....until next time...