Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Norway, Europe and Dreams...

               I have taken a long hiatus from writing down my thoughts but felt inspired to do so now.  I am a man of big dreams and I am not apologetic for that.  I feel I possess the adventurer spirit.  I relate with those that also carry that spirit.  In the same breath, I struggle with trying to "make" things happen.  Over the years I have learned that timing is everything.  If you try to "make" something happen and it is not the right time, you usually end up with a bruised and bloody forehead from running into brick walls.  Sometimes you need to wait until a door appears.  That would require patience.  Ouch! Not always an easy virtue (or fruit of the Spirit).  So what do you do when you have deep yearnings and dreams that well up from the depths of your spirit?  Pray. Intercede.  Process.  Dream.  Keep it in front of you but don't obsess over it (as I can do).  Trust (God).  Obey. 
                When it comes to dreams I feel like sometimes it can be a tightrope walk...being fully where you are but allowing yourself to dream and pray into where you are not yet.  Especially when the dreams can coincide and run parallel with each other.  Lisa and I are in the pre-launch phase of C3 Church Comox Valley and are currently walking out the planting process of this church.  It is awesome and challenging at the same time.  This is a dream in motion.  This is where our heart it.  We are living it.  I also have a dream and vision for ministering in Norway.  I have a huge passion for the country and people as my heritage comes from there.  It is deep in my spirit.  I have no idea how this will look and how it will work.  All I know is that it is there.  All I know is at some point I am supposed to go there and partner with the pastors and people there in some capacity.  Does this take away from what we are doing at C3CV.  No.  It will come out of the life and anointing that is being birthed at C3CV.  I can see C3CV being a huge part of this dream too.  I also see ministering at other churches in Europe and a strong tie being built there.  But it will be out of what God is doing in us at C3CV.  But a big piece of my heart is with Norway.

                      So how will this come to be?  I have no idea.  Will I all of a sudden get an invite to come out and do something.  I don't know.  Will we have to dream together as a team and work towards bringing a team over there in the future.  Maybe, but I don't know.  Do I need to know?  I don't think so.  I have to trust and obey.  Saturate the dream in prayer.  Focus on where we are at and what we are doing now...what is right in front of us.  Wait for God's timing to open the doors and make a way even when we can't see it. 

                      So what about those yearnings that feel like birthing pangs?  Acknowledge them.  Use them to motivate you in prayer.  Listen to the rumblings of the spirit.  I keep hearing words that check in my spirit.  I was listening to a podcast of C3 Church Calgary West where Ps. Graham Fletcher was speaking and mentioned Norway and God doing a work there.  My spirit jumped.  Talking on Facebook with Ps. Ruben Meyer from C3 Church Fredrikstad and working on building relationship he mentions that Ps. Lorne Tebbutt has a heart for Norway...hmmmm?  Listening to other podcasts from other churches in C3 Europe I feel a pull.  At the C3 Americas 2014 conference, Ps. Chris Pringle was sharing (and moving in the Spirit) and talked about cutting out pictures of your dreams and posting them where you can see them and pray into them.  That resonated with Lisa and me.  For C3CV and more. 

                        I will continue to pray, process and share my heart.  I am believing for big things over this next year and a bit.  Things will blow open.  It will be a season of reaping the harvest and connecting people to a more full and rich life that only comes through the revelation of Jesus and our identity in Him.  Freedom, holiness and relationship equals life changing transformation.  If anyone wants to pray along with me and walk along side me, let me know.  I am always up for that.  Until next time...keep dreaming and remember to trust and obey. :)
- Vaughn

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