Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Christians and Art...

So remember when the church used to lead the way when it came to art? That was a long time. Christians and the church used to be the biggest influence and have the most impact in art. Music, painting, sculpture, dance...now the church is set on segregating itself from the "world" instead of leading the way in creativity. This seems really backward to me. Since God created the creative, shouldn't His inspiration be the most wonderful and influential? But instead the church chooses to not associate with the community but wants to keep its version of art to itself. You dare not be influenced by current trends and new developments in art. You dare not sound similar to "secular" music. Well dancing is sinful isn't it? I have heard all these comments from people in the church and it saddens me. My heart is for the church to go back to leading the way and influencing the art community, music industry, dance community and then I could guarantee we would see a shift in culture and style which would point towards God and His Spirit. Do we, the church, understand what it means to be in the world? We are supposed to be in there like a dirty shirt not hiding in our buildings. We need to be influencers not irrelevant. We need to encourage our kids to take over the art community as well as other area an let them know it's ok to express their God influenced creativity and spirit in the world. Let's get back to being leaders in our world. 
P.S. I know this was a sweeping generalization and there are those already doing this and I commend them! 

1 comment:

  1. Art is a method whereby to communicate with others. Visual art is not really mentioned in a positive manner in the Bible. Regardless, of how people view visual art (mainly as a nice hobby) it is a very powerful tool. Perhaps it is because of its power it has been left to others. I know this seems strange. However, it seems as if much of the church wants to be as invisible as possible. Art puts a spotlight on the subject it addresses. The church is filled with cowards.
    Napoleon used art as much as his guns to influence how people viewed him. Think about all the heroic images of the great general. People saw him as this great leader of a new world order and accepted his rule initially based on this image. Yet many under him saw him as just another tyrant.
    In today's age advertizes use art to influence what people consume. THEY know the power of art. Look at cars, people will buy a car based on appearance and the associated message it sends. "What will people think when they see me in this jacked up flat black 4x4 with a Union Jack flag decal" Ich... It sends a message alright.
    Christian art is too nice. It is as bland, vanilla and boring. I am an artist so, you know, I am guilty here too. However, is there anything being produced visually that is bringing attention to God? Another image of a blond haired Jesus hugging kids is not gong to do it folks. We need to challenge people, and advertize our faith. Christian art is a ministry. Nobody wants to join a club advertized to be boring, safe and soft. We need to stand up for something, and show our faith and the Awesome and challenging God He we know.
