Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Revelation and the Church

Has anyone read the book of Revelation in the Bible lately?  It is scary.  It is mostly about the judgement of sin in the world and then about renewing hope and making everything right for the rest of eternity.  So here is my question...Why is no one preaching about sin, judgement, end times, Christ coming back, tribulation, persecution, standing before God on the Day of Judgement, luke-warmness, true salvation, consequence for sin, proper theology, the Fear of the Lord, angels & demons, the spiritual world we actually live in, etc...  This is what I see in most churches today: weak theology being preached, nice feel good messages, just believe in Jesus and everything is fine, let's not offend anyone so people don't get mad and leave (stop giving), let's be politically correct, sin isn't too big of a deal because there is grace right?, let's not talk about the judgement, sin, repentance (TRUE repentance), offensive content of the Bible, accurate biblical translations, challenging truth that gives you only two choices - conform to the bible view or conform to the world view.
I have a ground breaking announcement for Christians and people that think they are Christians.  Here it is: the Bible is offensive!  The gospel is offensive!  Real Christianity is offensive! It is offensive because it goes against the world's view.  It has always been offensive and it will always be offensive unless you do what many denominations and churches have done...ignore what the Bible says and change your "theology" to be palatable, weak, non-confrontational, non-challenging, politically correct, accepting of everything that you want to do, and basically just a social club.  Which makes me ask: what is the point?  Either the Bible is the whole word of God or it is fiction.  All true or all lies.  I have seen and experienced enough to know in my heart that is has to be all truth. 
I feel we are doing people such a dis-service in our churches by not giving them the hard, honest truth.  God will judge us, God cares about the sin in our lives, we will be accountable for our actions on earth, God will spit out the luke-warm, there is more to salvation then just belief, we live in a very spiritual world and need to be aware of what is going on around us, we live in the same world as biblical times and everything you read is how it is now, we have just become numb to it.
I tell you, I am extremely worried about the state of people in the church.  I think there are a lot of people that think they are saved and are not.  I think there are going to be a lot of pastors and leaders that are going to have to answer for the horrible doctrine and teachings they have given to their churches and will be accountable for their souls being lost.  For myself, I pray that will be a speaker of truth, sound biblical doctrine and lead people to a true and real relationship with Jesus.  That will live a life beyond reproach in right standing with God.  That they (and I) will hear "Well done my good and faithful servant" when they stand before God.  They we will live in fullness of power, strength and influence in our communities and to the people around us.  I want to see miracles, signs and wonders to draw men's eyes to God.  I want to see people come into repentance, transformation and relationship with God.  I want to actually experience freedom from sin for myself and others around me and live in new levels of holiness.  I want to have crazy Holy Spirit times and be moving in the power of the Holy Spirit in my everyday life.  I want to push back the presence of evil and change the atmospheres of complete communities.  I want to see the end of the tragedies we witness everyday because there is a community of people praying and breaking down strongholds and strategies of the enemy.  I want to give hope and change to the younger generation who is so lost that they need to resort to then demonic attack on their generation of suicide, murder and self harm.  I want to them to experience Christ and to know that there is freedom from those things and don't have to be living in a fog and numbness of depression and despair. 
God, give me the strength and perseverance to walk this out in my own life.

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