Sometimes we come up to a season of change. I have had many times of change in my life. Many moves, many jobs, many different scenarios happening. Change is an important part of life. As we transition into new things, it allows us to grow and stretch. The funny thing is, we usually don't like to change or have change. I am very much a creature of habit in many ways. I like routines. I like consistency. But there is a part of me that contradicts that part that like things to stay the same. It is the adventurer part of me. The part that wants to explore new worlds and try new things. It is the part of me that likes the unknown.
So now we are in the middle of a transition and change. New job, new vision, new focus, new adventures ahead. So how do we approach all this "new". Dragging feet, grumbling about how we hate change? Or are we going to dive head first into the new adventure and be excited about what will be even if it is hard and challenging. I choose the latter. We will be taking on a big, tentatively daunting task (church plant), but it is also going to be exciting, refreshing and a welcome challenge. I like being challenged and being able to rise to the occasion.
Despite talking about change, I am also experiencing a homecoming. I have had one homecoming when we came back to the Comox Valley which has been awesome! The newest homecoming is returning to C3 Church which is my "tribe". A place where I feel I can really be me to the fullest. Same language, same style, same focus, same heart, same culture, same DNA. I am looking forward to really being able to get back into the fold with the people and reconnect in a greater way. It is going to be an awesome ride!

Those are my thoughts for this moment. I have a feeling there will be more and they will be more regular. Feel free to make comments and share your thoughts with me as well. Until next time...