Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A New Season...

Seasons change. We all know that. But what is going to be different in THIS season? It's a great opportunity to make some changes in your life. Some different choices, some different direction, some different attitudes. The questions always is: what are you going to do to make that happen? You have to take some form of action. It doesn't have to be massive but you need to start the ball rolling and build some momentum. I am planning on making some positive changes this season. Some health, some spiritual, some relational, some dream related. Ever season of your life is like a new beginning. A fresh start, a chance to correct your course and make some adjustments. I won't say start over as we need to learn from our mistakes and continue in a better direction than when we actually first started. It's pretty much a given that we aren't in the same spot when we started and even if we are a bit off course, we are still further along then if we didn't start at all. We need to stay positive and be persistent. Strengthen your will and your fight. Be a person of action and always putting others ahead of yourself as a servant. God promotes those who humble themselves and serve others. Anchor yourself in Him and cling to His truth even when you don't understand circumstances. Live out of your spirit not out of your emotions as that is where power and authority come from. Be full of the Spirit and give Him room to move through you as you will see signs and wonders. This IS a new season...what will you do with it? I want to see people transformed, set free, saved, healed, delivered, restored, renewed and set ablaze. It's time!! I will count the cost and make the choices I need to see this come to fruition. I believe!