Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Hypocritical Thought...That's Right I Said it!!!

So I thought that I would share some thoughts that I have been processing lately.  I do preface this by saying that in my thoughts, although I completely agree with them, I do recognize that they are filled with hypocritical statements....but I am ok with that and will not deny that fact.  So without further ado, here are my thoughts:
OUR SOCIETY IS DUMB!!!...and continues to get dumber.  Here is another statement that is a little oxymoronic.  I love technology and have a big disdain for technology.  Let me dive into this a little.
I feel with all of our advancement with technology, we have become dumber as a society and begun to default to the lowest common denominator.  They way our society is celebrity obsessed and gossip/tabloid driven is repulsive to me.  I love acknowledging merit, accomplishment, talent but in areas that warrant it. If someone is a good artist then they should be acknowledged.  If a scientist or doctor makes a discovery, then that is noteworthy.  Athletes should be acknowledged for their accomplishments too.  The discipline and hard work that goes into being that elite is outstanding.  But the garbage that is being pumped out by Hollywood, television, record companies, and newspapers even, is crap.  I can't stand it.  That being said there are a few television shows I watch religiously and some movies and albums that I enjoy.  I do have guilty pleasures such as The Walking Dead, Hell's Kitchen, Master Chef, and give me sports!! Culturally speaking though, I think we have digressed.  We believe we are greatly advanced from other eras that have come before and technologically we are.  But culturally I believe we are not.  How much time do we generally spend on growing intellectually?  How much do we read as a society or study?  How much do we think about philosophy or art (real art)?  I feel we have dumbed down our society and spend much more time and effort on social media, television, movies and stimulation rather than building relationships, exercising our minds, edifying our souls and spirits and enjoying a simpler existence.  I recognize how hypocritical this sounds from me who has 1,030 tweets, does multiple check-ins on Facebook, always has his iPhone on him, is writing this on a blog, will post it to FB after it's finished on my Macbook, etc...so this is why I prefaced this post as I did.  We live in a microwave, processed food, quick and easy, internet connected society and on some level I feel we have lost something culturally and artistically as well as seeing our standards of acceptance fall.  Even our entertainment I feel has been diluted and dropped in stature.  "So what is the answer Vaughn?"
I may not really have an answer for everyone and definitely don't have an answer that will impact all of society!  I feel like it is more of an internal dialogue to have by yourself.  Do you want to be a slave to the technology and societal pressures that surround us?  Do you want to find a better balance in your life that consists of goals, plans and filters that makes you feel better about what you spend your time doing and focusing on.  It is a choice.  I find that when I do want to watch a show or movie I tend to watch old programs from the early days.  I listen to Old Radio Shows.  I pick up classic literature to stimulate my mind.  I try and limit my dependence on technology the best I can.  I have no problem with utilizing technology and enjoying the benefits it can bring.  It can be a great tool.  But being dependent on it is another thing.  Filling yourself and time with useless garbage that doesn't benefit you all at doesn't make sense to me. I am trying to approach things as "will this make me smarter after I am done?  will this have no bearing one way or the other? or will this actually make me dumber after I am done?"  That might work for you too.  Anyway, these thoughts make me want to go visit the museum, library and listen to some Mozart and Coltrane.  Start enjoying the best quality entertainment from every era including today, don't resort to the lowest common denominator, and exercise your brain.  Enjoy fine aspects of culture not tabloid garbage.  Read some history and examine human nature.  Do something productive with your time.  Grow as an individual and increase your knowledge.  Better yourself.  If everyone did that we could see amazing new and fresh artists around us (keep your eyes open because everywhere they are there you just have to look!!) and hear people with profound ideas and concepts.  I want to live my life with great experiences.  I want to see the pyramids of Egypt, the castles of Scotland, the art of Paris, the architecture of Europe, the countryside of Italy, stand where great historical events took place, etc...I don't want to be stuck watching the Real Housewives of Orange County or the Kardashians, or be stuck surfing Facebook and listening to some crappy music pumped out by auto-tuned talentless manufactured singers put out to saturate a weak market.  Some days I wish there was no more tv, no more cellphones, no more internet for a year and see how we would all cope.  How would we go about life for that year?  It might be refreshing!!
Anyway, that is my somewhat hypocritical rant about the state of our culture as I see it.  It is not right or wrong per say, just my opinion and perspective.  Until next time, keep the rubber side down!! :)