Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Been a while since I have posted.  Lots going on I guess.  So what is new?  Not too much.  I am surprised by the length of transition it has taken to feel at home here, even though for me it is "coming home".  I guess I haven't moved a whole family inter-provincially before.  It was quite an ordeal!  But now I have settled into where I am supposed to be and want to be.  I look forward to what is in front of me.  There are a lot of unanswered questions but what is good I know I have some things to work on myself as I prepare for my future.  I love that we are being positioned to impact the people around us in profound ways.  I love the people we are meeting and hanging out with and feel like there is something massive ahead for us.  So what lies ahead for me in the next days ahead including today? Time to step it up.  Get my game in top shape.  Refine those things in my life that need it.  Count the cost and pay the price to become an "elite athlete" in the race of life.  That is what I want.  It is a lot of work!! It requires a ton of discipline.  I do need to step it up!! Kill bad habits, create new good habits.  My life is full or parallels physically, mentally, spiritually, etc...so for me I need to push forward in each area to see the maximum impact come to fruition.  If I slack in one area, I tend to slack in other areas.  So here we go...nose back to the grindstone.  I want to live the best life I can live.  I want to have the most capacity I can have.  I want to have the most influence and impact I can have.  I want my words to carry weight and be catalysts for change.  I want to leave a legacy of honour and integrity. I want people to say "there goes a good man" when I leave a room.  I want my mother to be proud of the man I have become as she spoke those words into my life beginning at a young age.  She saw my potential and all I could become.  I need to see it.  I need to act on it.  Potential is wasted without action and discipline.  I want to be a true disciple.  This is my year.  I WILL take big steps.  I WILL see change in me and the people around me.  I BELIEVE.  It is indeed time to step it up!! Here we go...