It's been a long time since I wrote a post. Been pretty busy with life but I thought it would be therapeutic for me to write a few lines. We could be on the brink of some significant changes in our journey. Job changes, location changes, etc... The thoughts of these things are exciting and scary at the same time. I feel we have a "builder" mentality. We love building things. Programs, churches, people, etc... Not necessarily the physical aspect as far as boards, nails and that sort of thing. But more metaphorically speaking. I like taking something that needs work and building it up until it is hopefully flourishing. I guess that is why there is always that feeling of needing to have a sense of adventure. My wife and I were talking the other day and she said something that I found very insightful (she does that a lot). She said "I think we are people that feel called to where there is a need and where WE are needed." I found that very interesting and have pondered on that since she said it. My parents told me about when I was quite young and they were faced with a decision for my dad to take a PAOC National Office job in Toronto or move to Lacombe to a small town prairie church that needed help. My parents presented it to us kids who really didn't have much input really but my mother told me years later that it was like God spoke through me to them as I said "Toronto can get anybody. Those other people need us!", very passionately and firm. I believe that was the Holy Spirit speaking through me as I was only around 7 or 8 years old. But I do believe it is something that was wired into me that I am called to build, called to meet needs, called to serve where I am needed, called to raise up others to meet those needs, called to community, called to facilitate change.
So as I stand on the brink of some tentative major change that could happen very quickly, I quote Isaiah 6:8
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”