Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This month I am believing for breakthrough. For things to being to fall into place, for opportunities to open for me, for dreams to start coming reality, to start running instead of crawling. I believe it is time! So many things are swirling around in my head that I need to focus and be very intentional about where I step and the path I walk. Why is it sometimes fairly hard to believe in yourself when it is easy to believe in others? For me it can be extremely overwhelming having big dreams and then standing infront of them looking up at them going "Holy Crap!! How am I going to do this?" One step at a time!! With all the drama that goes on around me on a daily basis, I have decided to have a drama free life in my center if possible. Life is waaay to short to get bogged down with drama and distracted from the important things that need to be focused on. I want to have fun dude!! Meet people, travel around, "smell the roses" so to speak, eat (a small portion) good food with a glass of good wine over a beautiful view during a sunset and live it up!! I want to be all that I can be and enjoy all that life has to offer me while I am here on this earth. If that means I have to sacrifice some things to see it happen then so be it! I really want my life to be an adventure and not a routine. I want to get the most out if so when I stand before my Maker and he asks me "So?" I can say "Dang! That was fun...let's party!!" So in the words of Jerry Maguire..."WHO'S COMING WITH ME?!!" Until next time :)