Monday, May 10, 2010

Dreams Can Come True

Hey y'all! In the words of Motley Crue, "You know I'm a dreamer..."! I have dreams and I truly believe I am on the brink of seeing them come to fruition. I am in the process of learning patience. Not always easy when you are all excited about running head first into your dreams. But timing IS everything. I am also learning about "Speaking it out". Words do have power. Negative and positive but I am really focusing on the positive for sure!! We can speak things into existence. So no way am I gonna speak bad things into existence. Just the awesome stuff!! VB Music Studios!! C3 Church Edmonton growing leaps and bounds!! Opportunities to travel the world and pour into others!! That is what I am talking about!! I feel like I am on the edge of a cliff on a huge mountain and at some point I will jump off and be able to fly but I have to make sure the timing is right so I don't fall thousands of feet screaming. I know when it is time to jump I will be able to fly. And what a ride it will be!! It is like being on a roller coaster that is climbing it's first big incline and about to take off at 100 miles an hour....exciting and scary at the same time. It will be awesome though and I can't wait...but I have too. It is all good. Life is good. As you can tell I am pretty happy and content. Vaughnarchy is in control and where he needs to be. Why am I am talking in third person all of a sudden. Anyway, I BELIEVE!!!
- vaughnarchy